Current Measurements as at 19:40hrs

Todays Statistics

Temperature: 9 °CLow: 8.9 °CHigh: 13.7 °C
Rainfall: 0 mmToday: 0 mmLast 24hrs: 0 mm
Relative humidity:74 % Low: 57 %High: 75 %
Global Irradiance:0 W/m²Low: 0 W/m²High: 160 W/m²
Pressure:1015 hPaLow: 1014 hPaHigh: 1017 hPa
Wind Speed:1.4 m/sMax: 2.5 m/sTime: 03:40hrs
Wind Direction:North - 10°


Attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this data, however the design and maintenance of this weather station is primarily for teaching purposes within the Climatology And Research Methods courses in the School Of Geography. Use of this data for any other purpose is at the users' own risk. The timestamps displayed are not adjusted for NZ Daylight savings. All timestamps displayed are in UTC+12:00.

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Showing Data for 27 July 2024 20:09
over previous 1 Week in a frequency of 1 Day

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When2024-07-20 00:002024-07-21 00:002024-07-22 00:002024-07-23 00:002024-07-24 00:002024-07-25 00:002024-07-26 00:002024-07-27 00:00
Temp Max [°C]
Temp Min [°C]

When2024-07-20 00:002024-07-21 00:002024-07-22 00:002024-07-23 00:002024-07-24 00:002024-07-25 00:002024-07-26 00:002024-07-27 00:00
Pressure Max [hPa]10001002100810101010101610171015
Pressure Min [hPa]99499510021007100710109781015

When2024-07-20 00:002024-07-21 00:002024-07-22 00:002024-07-23 00:002024-07-24 00:002024-07-25 00:002024-07-26 00:002024-07-27 00:00
RH Max [%]88.588.782.372.1667370.757.2
RH Min [%]74.859.564.959.633.628.135.657.2

When2024-07-20 00:002024-07-21 00:002024-07-22 00:002024-07-23 00:002024-07-24 00:002024-07-25 00:002024-07-26 00:002024-07-27 00:00
Wind Max [m/s]
Wind Min [m/s]

When2024-07-20 00:002024-07-21 00:002024-07-22 00:002024-07-23 00:002024-07-24 00:002024-07-25 00:002024-07-26 00:002024-07-27 00:00
Solar Max [W/m^2]277.7374.7181.5373.3476412.4140.60
Solar Min [W/m^2]00000000

When2024-07-20 00:002024-07-21 00:002024-07-22 00:002024-07-23 00:002024-07-24 00:002024-07-25 00:002024-07-26 00:002024-07-27 00:00
Rain Total [mm]0.20.2100.2000
Rain 24hrs [mm]00.20.2100.200