The Burns Roof Climate Station


The Geography Department Automatic Weather Station on the Burns Building Roof is based around a Campbell Scientific CR1000 Data Logger. All climatic variable measurements are converted within the Data Logger to S.I. units.

There are six different climate instruments directly connected to the Data Logger.

The Instrument names and the climate sensors they contain are listed as follows:

  • An RM Young Wind Monitor 05103. This measures both the Wind Speed and The Wind Direction.
  • A Kipp and Zonen CMP3 measuring the incoming Solar Radiation within the visible spectrum.
  • A Kipp and Zonen CGR3 measuring the incoming Longwave Radiation.
  • A Vaisala HMP45A measuring the Air Temperature and the Relative Humidity.
  • A Setra 278 Barometric Pressure Sensor measuring the Barometric Pressure. Co-located in the datalogger enclosure.
  • Rainfall is measured using a Hydrological Services Australia TB4 Rain Gauge.
Burns Roof Climate Station Tower
Burns Roof Climate Station Tower


Images of the various climate sensors that are installed on the tower or located nearby. The wind and radiation sensors are visible on the tallest mast, while the rain sensor is embedded in a soil enclosure nearby on the roof. The Temperature and RH Sensor is located on the tower within a screen. The large rectangular enclosure on the tower houses the Barometric Pressure Sensor and the CR1000 Data Logger.

Ground based Rain Gauge
Ground based Rain Gauge
Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
Incoming Radiation Sensors
Incoming Radiation Sensors
>Wind speed and Direction Sensor
Wind speed and Direction Sensor

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